My Mission

Wine should be FUN.

My goal is to teach you everything you want to know about wine in a FUN environment, so that you leave my tastings with a positive wine experience and more confidence in your future wine selections! I want YOU to become the one your friends look to when choosing that dinner wine and not missing a beat.



Guided Vines was created to serve as the ultimate resource for all casual wine sippers. Through guided virtual wine tastings and all the wine tips and recs you need, my goal is to take my formal wine education and turn it into your fun wine education.


Chelsea, Founder

Hey there! So here’s a fun fact:

I wasn’t always a wine lover. CRAZY, right?! My first true love was actually sports. And in a roundabout way, that love of sports led me to my love of wine. Somehow, this sports-loving gal ended up working for the Oakland Raiders and well, our training camp took place in NAPA! Completely overwhelmed in this new wine territory, I tasted a big ol’ Napa Cab and that was it for me. I was in love. While working full-time in the sports industry, I began pursuing my formal wine education through the WSET program. After 7 total years in the sports industry and completing WSET Levels 1 & 2, I’ve officially traded in my sports passion for my wine passion and I can’t wait to share my love of wine with you! I want to take my formal wine education and turn it into your FUN wine education! So meet me on Zoom, come as you are, and let’s sip together!

“We had the MOST fun with an online wine tasting birthday party that Chelsea planned and hosted! She selected wines based on the birthday girl's palate and walked us through the tasting step by step. Our group ranged from more casual wine drinkers to the more experienced, but Chelsea was able to answer everyone's questions and make recommendations based on what we liked/didn't like. Fantastic experience and can't wait to do it again!”

Guided Vines Virtual Tasting client

The Wine Tasting Team


Founder and Wine Tasting Guide


Chief Barketing Officer


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