Easy to Find Holiday Wines

Prepping for the holidays can be a lot of work – no matter what your group size may look like this year! While my ultimate hosting goal is to make meals that everyone enjoys, I’m also all about making my prep work as easy as possible!

Being able to pick up all of your food and wine in one place is a major time saver, so I put together this list of easy-to-find grocery store wines that would make the perfect addition to any holiday dinner table!


Fresh & Fruity White

Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc + Viognier

Photo by Pine Ridge CB+V

This wine is pretty versatile if you’re looking for a crowd-pleasing white wine for your table! With it’s medium body, fresh and fruity flavors, this wine stands up to creamier dishes while also complementing those green sides!

Perfect Pairing: While it is a pretty versatile white, this wine has a richer body and a freshness to it that would make it the perfect complement to a green bean casserole!

Floral & Sweet White

Hive & Honey Gewurztraminer

Photo by Hive & Honey Wines

Photo by Hive & Honey Wines

This is another versatile white that would complement many of the dishes on your table if you are looking for a wine on the sweeter side.

Perfect Pairing: This fresh, floral and slightly sweet wine pairs well with everything from the turkey and stuffing to sweeter dishes like sweet potatoes!

Rich & Oaky White

Bogle Chardonnay

Photo by Bogle Vineyards

Photo by Bogle Vineyards

This wine is the perfect balance of rich texture, buttery notes and fresh citrus flavor, making it an easy white wine for your table! With notes of nutmeg and vanilla, this rich wine is perfectly festive.

Perfect Pairing: Any of your creamy holiday side dishes (ahem, Mac & Cheese!) or some fluffy, buttery rolls.

Versatile & Light-Bodied Red

La Crema Pinot Noir

Photo by La Crema Winery

Photo by La Crema Winery

This is truly the most versatile style of wine for everything on your table! Light-bodied reds will go well with just about every holiday dish I can think of. La Crema Pinot Noir is a personal favorite of mine and I will certainly have a bottle on my holiday tables!

Perfect Pairing: Turkey!! And cranberry sauce. And stuffing. And mac & cheese. And really anything and everything else on the table.

Fruit-Forward & Jammy Red

Cline Zinfandel

Photo by Cline Cellars

Photo by Cline Cellars

Looking for something with a little more fruit? Maybe a touch of sweetness? This is the perfect red for your table! Easy drinking, this wine is enjoyable both during and long after your holiday meal!

Best Pairing: That cranberry sauce you made from scratch (or from a can… no judgement here!)

Smooth & Rich Red

Duckhorn Merlot

Photo by Victoria Saperstein Photography

Photo by Victoria Saperstein Photography

This rich, smooth red is one that will certainly impress any guests and is always such a treat. With black and red fruit flavors and hints of oak, this is a red that you will want to savor every last drop of.

Perfect Pairing: It’s fruity notes make this wine a great pairing with the lighter dishes (turkey and cranberry sauce), but the richness is the perfect complement to hearty meat dishes (like a roast) and your savory sides (stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc.).

Big & Bold Red

Smith & Hook Cabernet Sauvignon

Photo by Hahn Family Wines

Photo by Hahn Family Wines

If you’re looking for a big, bold red this Thanksgiving, this is a must grab. Pro Tip: Put this one in the decanter for 45 min. prior to serving and it’ll taste like you spent way more than $20 on this one!

Perfect Pairing: If you are opting for a Beef Tenderloin or any other beef dish on your table this year, there is nothing better than pairing that hearty dish with this big, bold Cab!


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